Alcor Move aktivitásmérő karpánt és okosóra, zöld
Alcor Move Aktivit and aacute; sm and eacute; rő karp and aacute; nt
Aktivit and aacute; sm and eacute; rő mindennapos tev and eacute; kenys and eacute; geink k and ouml; vet and eacute; s and eacute; re: legyen sz and oacute; s and eacute; t and aacute; r and oacute; l, edz and eacute; sről vagy alv and aacute; sr and oacute; l, az Alcor Move folyamatosan r and ouml; gz and iacute; ti az adatokat, melyet okostelefonunkon megtekinthet and uuml; nk. A megtett l and eacute; p and eacute; sek mellett pulzusunkat valamint az el and eacute; getett kal and oacute; ri and aacute; kat is nyomon k and ouml; vethetj and uuml; k a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k seg and iacute; ts and eacute; g and eacute; vel.
Eml and eacute; keztető and eacute; s figyelmeztető funkci and oacute; k: az eszk and ouml; z 10 be and aacute; ll and iacute; that and oacute; eml and eacute; keztető időponttal, t and e acute; tlens and eacute; g figyelővel, bej and ouml; vő h and iacute; v and aacute; s and eacute; rtes and iacute; t and eacute; ssel and eacute; s elveszt and eacute; si valamint k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k keres and eacute; si funkci and oacute; kkal teszi k and ouml; nnyebb and eacute; a mindennapokat. A cser and eacute; lhető karp and aacute; nt magas minős and eacute; gű szilikonb and oacute; l k and eacute; sz and uuml; lt.
Pulzusm and eacute; rő
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; kbe and eacute; p and iacute; tett optikai pulzusm and eacute; rő szenzor fotopletizmogr and aacute; fiai (PPG and ndash; photoplethysmography) m and oacute; dszerrel m and eacute; ri a viselő pulzus and aacute; t: a z and ouml; ld f and eacute; nnyel megvil and aacute; g and iacute; tott bőr alatti erekben and aacute; raml and oacute; v and eacute; r sebess and eacute; g and eacute; ből kalkul and aacute; lja a pulzust.
L and eacute; p and eac ute; ssz and aacute; ml and aacute; l and oa! cute;
Napi aktivit and aacute; sunk figyel and eacute; s and eacute; re kiv and aacute; l and oacute; t and aacute; rs lehet a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k, amely m and eacute; ri a nap folyam and aacute; n megtett l and eacute; p and eacute; seink sz and aacute; m and aacute; t. Az okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; sban be and aacute; ll and iacute; thatjuk az el and eacute; rni k and iacute; v and aacute; nt napi c and eacute; lt, melyet folyamatosan nyomon k and ouml; vethet and uuml; nk.
Sport m and oacute; dban a sporttev and eacute; kenys and eacute; ggel elt and ouml; lt and ouml; tt időn k and iacute; v and uuml; l a l and eacute; p and eacute; sek ill. az el and eacute; getett kal and oacute; ri and aacute; k sz and aacute; m and aacute; t, a megtett t and aacute; vols and aacute; got (a l and eacute; p and eacute; sm and eacute; rő adatai alapj and aacute; n) ill. az aktu and aacute; lis pulzust tekinthetj and uuml; k meg. (A k and eacu te; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k csak a legutols and oacute; edz and eacute; s adatait t and aacute; rolja ill. jelen and iacute; ti meg).
T and eacute; tlens and eacute; g figyelő
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k and eacute; rz and eacute; keli, ha viselője hosszabb ideig egy helyben and uuml; l and eacute; s k and eacute; pes arra, hogy figyelmeztesse a felhaszn and aacute; l and oacute; t, hogy fel and aacute; lljon and eacute; s p and aacute; r l and eacute; p and eacute; st vagy egy and eacute; b mozg and aacute; st v and eacute; gezzen. A figyelmeztet and eacute; s gyakoris and aacute; ga az okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; sban be and aacute; ll and iacute; that and oacute;.
Alv and aacute; sminős and eacute; g figyelő
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k and eacute; rz and eacute; keli ha elaludtunk, and eacute; s folyamatosan monitorozza az alv and aacute; si ciklusainkat ( and eacute; ber alv and aacute; s ill. m and eacute; ly alv and aacute; s). Ezekről (melyik alv ! and aacute; si ciklusban mikor, mennyi időt t and ouml; lt and ouml; tt and uuml; nk az alv and aacute; s sor and aacute; n, ill. and ouml; sszesen mennyi időt t and ouml; lt and ouml; tt and uuml; nk alv and aacute; ssal) az and eacute; bred and eacute; st k and ouml; vetően az okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; sban kaphatunk inform and aacute; ci and oacute; kat.
El and eacute; getett kal and oacute; ri and aacute; k kisz and aacute; m and iacute; t and aacute; sa
Az okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; sban megadott kor, s and uacute; ly and eacute; s magass and aacute; g adatokb and oacute; l, valamint a napi mozg and aacute; s adataib and oacute; l a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k kisz and aacute; molja a nap folyam and aacute; n el and eacute; getett kal and oacute; ri and aacute; kat.
Pontos idő megjelen and iacute; t and eacute; se, and eacute; breszt and eacute; sek
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k hagyom and aacute; n yos and oacute; rak and eacute; nt ill. and eacute; bresztők and eacute; nt is haszn and aacute; lhat and oacute;, legfeljebb 10 and eacute; breszt and eacute; si időpont megad and aacute; s and aacute; val.
and Eacute; rtes and iacute; t and eacute; sek a bej and ouml; vő h and iacute; v and aacute; sokr and oacute; l and eacute; s and uuml; zenetekről
Ha a p and aacute; ros and iacute; tott okostelefonra bej and ouml; vő h and iacute; v and aacute; s vagy and uuml; zenet and eacute; rkezik, a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k rezg and eacute; ssel jelzi azt. Bej and ouml; vő h and iacute; v and aacute; sn and aacute; l a h and iacute; v and oacute; f and eacute; l neve is l and aacute; that and oacute; a kijelzőn (ha az szerepel a p and aacute; ros and iacute; tott okostelefon n and eacute; vjegyz and eacute; k and eacute; ben), and uuml; zenetek eset and eacute; n pedig az SMS-eken k and iacute; v and uuml; l a k and uuml; l and ouml; nf and eacu te; le azonnali and uuml; zenetk and uuml; ldő alkal! maz and aacute; sok (pl. Facebook chat) and aacute; ltal kapott and uuml; zenetekről is and eacute; rtes and uuml; l and uuml; nk. (Az and uuml; zenetek tartalm and aacute; t a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k nem jelen and iacute; ti meg. )
Elveszt and eacute; si figyelmeztet and eacute; s
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k rezg and eacute; ssel figyelmeztet minket, ha a p and aacute; ros and iacute; tott okostelefonnal megszakad a kapcsolat.
K and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k keres and eacute; si funkci and oacute;
Ha a reggeli rohan and aacute; sban nem tal and aacute; ljuk okostelefonunkat, a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k keres and eacute; si funkci and oacute; val bekapcsolhat and oacute; hangjelz and eacute; s seg and iacute; t abban, hogy a nyom and aacute; ra akadjunk.
F and eacute; nyk and eacute; pezőg and eacute; p t and aacute; vvez and eacute; rlő funkci and oacute;
A k and eacute; sz an d uuml; l and eacute; k seg and iacute; ts and eacute; g and eacute; vel elind and iacute; thatjuk okostelefonunkon a f and eacute; nyk and eacute; pezőg and eacute; p alkalmaz and aacute; st, and eacute; s egyszerű t and aacute; vkiold and oacute; k and eacute; nt k and eacute; peket k and eacute; sz and iacute; thet and uuml; nk vele.
Magyar nyelvű Veryfit 2. 0 alkalmaz and aacute; s iOS and eacute; s Android rendszerű okostelefonokhoz
Az okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; s seg and iacute; ts and eacute; g and eacute; vel tekinthetőek meg a k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k and aacute; ltal gyűjt and ouml; tt adatok, illetve az and eacute; rtes and iacute; t and eacute; sek and eacute; s egy and eacute; b funkci and oacute; k is itt konfigur and aacute; lhat and oacute; ak. Magyar nyelvre and aacute; ll and iacute; tott Android ill. iOS rendszer eset and eacute; n az alkalmaz and aacute; s magyar kezelőfel and uuml; lettel rendelkezik.
Megjegy z and eacute; sek:
A k and eacute; sz and uuml;! l and eacute; k fr and ouml; ccsenő v and iacute; z ellen v and eacute; dett, azonban nem v and iacute; z and aacute; ll and oacute;, ez and eacute; rt k and eacute; rj and uuml; k ne mer and iacute; tse v and iacute; zbe and eacute; s ne tegye ki foly and oacute; v and iacute; znek ill. nedvess and eacute; gnek. A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k b and uacute; v and aacute; rkod and aacute; sra, and uacute; sz and aacute; sra nem alkalmas.
A k and eacute; sz and uuml; l and eacute; k rekre and aacute; ci and oacute; s, hobbi c and eacute; l and uacute; felhaszn and aacute; l and aacute; sra k and eacute; sz and uuml; lt, professzion and aacute; lis ill. orvosi / eg and eacute; szs and eacute; g and uuml; gyi felhaszn and aacute; l and aacute; sra nem alkalmas.
Műszaki jellemzők
Kijelző: 0. 49 and rdquo; monokr and oacute; m OLED
Bluetooth: Bluetooth LE 4. 0
Magas minős and eacute; gű szilikonb and oacute; l k and eacute; sz and uuml; lt (cser and eacute; lhető) karp and aacute; nt
Karp and aacute; nt m and eacute; ret: kb. 250 and times; 20 and times; 11 mm
S and uacute; ly: 25g
Akkumul and aacute; tor: 60 mAh
K and eacute; szenl and eacute; ti idő: ak and aacute; r 7 nap
T and ouml; lt and eacute; si idő: kb. 1 and oacute; ra
Adatok t and aacute; rol and aacute; sa: legfeljebb 7 napra visszamenőleg
T and aacute; mogatott rendszerek:
iOS 7. 0+ Bluetooth LE 4. 0-val
Android 4. 3+ Bluetooth LE 4. 0-val
Okostelefonos alkalmaz and aacute; s
Android: Play and Aacute; ruh and aacute; z link: https: //play. google. com/store/apps/details? id=com. veryfit. multi
iOS: https: //itunes. apple. com/hu/app/veryfit-2. 0/id1028934622? mt=8
Jelenlegi ára: 13 890 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2099-01-01 00:00 . Alcor Move aktivitásmérő karpánt és okosóra, zöld - Jelenlegi ára: 13 890 Ft
2016. július 31., vasárnap
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